Regina transit riders made a difference for Growing Young Movers during the 2022 Jingle Bus campaign.
At a news conference Tuesday, the city announced the program raised a total of $14,496. The campaign was held from Dec. 9 to Dec. 11 and asked riders to donate their fare and extra change to a local charity.
The proceeds this year will go towards supporting a youth mentorship program and contribute to staff salaries for more than 30 high school mentors.
This will build on their leadership skills working directly with youth.
Growing Young Movers (GYM) uses an intergenerational approach to mentorship and employs high school students from Scott Collegiate to work with children and youth throughout North Central.
Regina Mayor Sandra Masters said making an organization like GYM more known is important on an ongoing basis.
“The good work you do needs to be amplified, so thank you very much,” she said.
“I think what’s important in some respects in terms of choosing GYM this year is really the exposure and the amplification of the really good work that’s happening throughout our community.”
Masters also said she was not surprised that members of the community stepped up to the plate.
“When the call comes to them, they answer. They answer always,” she said.
“They’re valued for their involvement now, they’re valued for that mentorship they’re providing to younger students and that there’s a future here for them.”
One of the mentors, Jacob Panipekeesick, said the program gives him leadership skills and gives him challenges. He said seeing all of the money raised by the community is great.
Panipekeesick explained he joined the program three years ago and enjoys mentoring younger students.
“It’s just nice to see (that) I get to make a child’s day. At the end of the day, it’s really nice,” he said.
Brian Lewis, the executive director for Growing Young Movers, said he was emotional when he saw how much was raised from the community.
“I think what made me emotional is being up front and seeing all of the young people that are a part of what we do because it is about them, knowing that there is people in this community that care as much as they do for what we’re doing and supporting them,” Lewis said.
Regina Transit director Brad Bells said this year, campaign officials saw more money being raised than in previous years.
The Jingle Bus program is sponsored by Rawlco Radio, Brown Communications Group, First Transit, Pattison Outdoor Advertising and Sleek Sign.
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